What Is Aux Heat On My Thermostat?

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Are you finding your Santa Fe home just doesn’t feel comfortable temperature-wise in the winter? Is your family constantly complaining about being too cold? If this sounds familiar, you might not be using your system effectively. If you’ve noticed the words “aux heat” on your digital thermostat, this might help with your thermostat settings. This […]

Why Is My Toilet Running All The Time?

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Nothing is worse than having someone use the toilet and within minutes of them flushing it’s clear that annoying running sound isn’t going to stop. This is a constant source of frustration as it’s a sound that’s hard to ignore. That means someone has to get up and “jiggle the handle” to hopefully get the […]

How You Can Keep Pipes From Freezing Up

how to prevent burst pipes

The winter season brings with it a lot of things: cold weather, snow, and—most importantly—burst pipes. It’s not exactly surprising that pipes burst during the winter months; after all, it’s freezing outside! But what is surprising is how often this happens. In fact, according to one report, more than half of all burst pipes occur […]

Gas vs. Electric Heat

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It’s that time of year again, and we’re in full-blown fall mode. Lots of things are really great about this season: cool mornings, pumpkin-spice everything, sweater weather, beautiful fall leaves. But you know what we don’t love? Coming home from work and it’s already dark outside. Ugh! And it might be time to reevaluate your heating needs. […]

Can You Really Unclog A Drain with Cola?

can you really unclog a drain with cola

Clogged drains can get the best of all of us. Mystery odors, backed-up sinks, and non-functioning disposals are definitely near the top of the Worst Things about Homeownership list.  Whether it’s a sink or a toilet, we’re always looking for a quick and inexpensive DIY fix. Today, our DIY might involve one of our favorite beverages. No, […]

10 Awesome Plumbing Hacks

awesome plumbing hacks

Calling the pros for every plumbing issue in your home is time-consuming and costly. Now, don’t get us wrong: We love helping our Santa Fe plumbing customers with problems big and small! But if you’re feeling empowered to DIY your simple plumbing issues, we’re here to help you do that, too. From regular maintenance to […]

4 Main Causes of Sewer Damage

4 main causes of sewer damage

There’s no delicate way to talk about sewage. Sewage problems are just… gross. Ever smelled backed-up sewer pipes? Ugh. Worse yet: Ever had sewer water actually back up into your shower or spill out onto the floor? Barf.  Without a proper waste disposal system, you can experience a whole host of issues: spreading diseases, mold outbreaks, and breathing problems. As your […]

What Makes Your Garbage Disposal Back Up

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A garbage disposal is a great tool for any kitchen. It can help you cut down on your food waste and make it easier to clean up after cooking. But, like all machines, garbage disposals have their problems. If you have a garbage disposal, you’ve probably experienced the pain of a backed-up sink. If you’re […]

Tankless Water Heater Not Working? Here’s What to Check

tankless water heater not working heres what to check

Tankless water heaters are energy-efficient, have low maintenance costs, and are reasonably durable. But just like any appliance, they’re not completely  immune to issues.  If your tankless water heater isn’t performing up to par here’s what you should check.  Scenario 1: There’s no hot water! This is the most common problem you can expect with a tankless […]

Flooded Basement? Steps Before Calling a Plumber

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Flooded Basement? Do these eight things before calling a plumber Few things are worse than walking into your basement and finding standing water. Dealing with a flooded basement is time-consuming, exhausting, and—you won’t be surprised to hear this—expensive. Fortunately, you can save yourself some big bucks by following this step-by-step guide before you call in […]

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