Why Water Isn’t Always Good For You

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Most of us were taught that we should drink at least eight, eight-ounce glasses of water every day. That’s basically two liters of the stuff. But what if water isn’t always good for you? If we could insert a record scratch sound here, we totally would—because that’s probably what just happened in your head: What do you mean water isn’t […]

Worst Plumbing Mistakes DIYers Make

plumbing mistakes diy

How to Avoid Costly (and Dangerous) Consequences of Playing Plumber With the dawn of YouTube and Pinterest, most of us have tried—and failed—at a DIY project or two (or 27). Regardless of our past “nailed it” moments, we’re nevertheless tempted to take DIY to a new level when we think it’ll save us serious cash—plumbing […]

What Exactly Is A “Swamp Cooler”? And Do They Work?

hvac repair near me

As June begins to give way to July, temperatures are steadily climbing—and so are our energy bills. If you’re like a lot of homeowners, you might be researching ways to keep your cooling costs manageable. At some point, you’re likely to come across a promising option with an odd name: the swamp cooler. What’s a […]

Stay Cool, Save Money: How to Use Your AC Less This Summer

air conditioner repair

You’d like to save money on your air conditioning bill this summer, right? But you’re not all that interested in setting your thermostat on “swelter.” And unless you’re trying to shed some pounds to wrestle a lighter weight class in Tokyo next year, it seems silly to have AC and not use it. As Santa Fe’s best HVAC pros, we […]

Thinking About a Tankless Water Heater? Read this First.

tankless water heaters near me

Oh, hot water, we adore you. The steamy showers, the sanitized dishes, the miraculously-white-again t-shirts. But here’s the deal: We’re starting to think our love is unrequited. After all, you tend to disappear quickly. Sure, we just started both the dishwasher and a load of towels—but is that really an excuse to run out on […]

DIY Water Heater Installs: What Could Possibly Go Wrong?

DIY water heater install

Since you’re reading this post, we can guess a few things about you: Here’s the truth: If you have some intermediate-level home improvement skills, you can (probably) pull off a water heater install. But there are some common, potentially dangerous problems do-it-yourselfers seem to have. As Santa Fe’s most trusted plumbers, we’d like to help you […]

Traditional vs. Tankless Water Heaters

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On a scale from cold coffee to world hunger, running out of hot water is most definitely toward the first-world-problems end of the spectrum. Still, that doesn’t make the experience any less frustrating or any more comfortable. Even the morning-person-est of morning people is likely to scream a swear word or two when the shower […]

The Best Ways to Ruin Your Home’s Plumbing

ruin homes plumbing

As your Santa Fe plumber, we typically like to offer preventive maintenance tips and do-it-yourself tricks on our blog. This time, we’re going the opposite direction: We’re going to share some DON’T tips. To be honest, we’ve seen too many homeowners make big mistakes that cost big bucks to fix, and we don’t want to […]

How Home HVAC Systems Work

how home hvac systems work

Maybe you’ve had this experience: You’re running late for work on a dreary Monday morning. You jump in your car and start to back out of the garage… and you hear The Noise. It’s not quite a grinding sound and not quite a crunching sound; it’s one of those indescribable car noises you find yourself […]

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